+1 (501) 476-0294

Accredited by Hostelling International!


Our new name is now HI Little Rock-Firehouse Hostel & Museum!

After an accreditation inspection in November, we earned accreditation through Hostelling International USA (HI USA) and have now changed our name to reflect this. HI Little Rock Firehouse Hostel & Museum still offers the same affordable rates and will also be selling HI memberships soon. Members receive $3 off each night’s stay with us as well as other HI Affiliates around the world! You can buy a daily ($3) or an annual membership ($28 adult/$18 senior) at check-in, or buy the annual membership card online at www.hiusa.org. Membership is free for youth under 18 years.

Hostelling International USA is a nonprofit membership organization and network of hostels with over 50 hostels in 20 states that provide members with a wide range of benefits.

Click here to check out our new Hostelling International booking page!

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