+1 (501) 476-0294

COVID-19 Policies

During the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Little Rock Firehouse Hostel and Museum will remain open but will require advanced reservation and will not check in a guest who is showing visible signs of fever, difficulty breathing, and coughing. Our facility will follow all recommendations put forth by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) on minimizing exposure to our staff and guest.

The CDC recommends the following:
1) Maintain a 6 ft. distance from others.
2) Do not gather in groups.
3) Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings.
4) Wear a mask in public places.
5) If you need to cough or sneeze, ensure you cover your mouth or nose with a tissue or in the bend of your elbow.
6) Wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds after touching communal surfaces (phones, door handles, and etc.). If no soap is available use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
7) Frequently disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.

With these recommendations in mind, the Firehouse has implemented the following policies:
1) Limiting the number of guest in each dorm to a maximum of one third capacity (Women’s Dorm = 4, Men’s Dorm = 5, Coed Dorm = 2). This allows one empty bunk bed between guest.
2) Disinfecting all communal surfaces on a daily basis.
3) Providing hand sanitizer for all guests (available at front desk).

** If a guest, who has already been checked in, shows sign of illness such as fever, coughing, and difficulty breathing we will isolate the guest in the Captains Room and call for medical assistance.

** If a guest does not want to abide by the CDC recommendations and Hostel policy, we will ask that guest to leave and no refund will be provided.